Tennis Elbow



Lateral Epidconylits is commonly referred to as tennis elbow. It is pain in the outer part of the elbow. It is an overuse injury from repeated wrist extension. It could be from sports like tennis, weight lifting, carrying things, or ergonomic in nature from desk work. The best way to heal this injury is to start with eccentric strength training, progress to isometric, and then build concentric training. In addition to working through this progression, the tennis elbow program will strengthen the muscles around the shoulder blade so that there is less pressure going through the muscles near the elbow.

Disclosure: These programs are not meant to be a diagnostic or treatment as each person and each injury is different. This plan is best used as an educational guide on typical exercises that can help a variety of conditions. Not all of these exercises are necessary for each injury, and some may actually be harmful. You should always consult your healthcare provider or physical therapist to ensure that you have the best program for you. Please do not continue these exercises if symptoms worsen, and each exercise should be moderately challenging and never unsafe or painful.


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